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Lawyer Seizure Law Antwerp


Lawyer Seizure Law Antwerp

Are you looking for professional attachment law support in Antwerp? Then you have found the right lawyer. Through our years of experience, we have all the knowledge you need. Moreover, we always answer your questions within 24 hours!

Attachment law is a very important branch of our legal system:

After all, it is particularly important for both creditors and debtors that there are rules about how attachments can and may be made.

In short, it can be said that attachment law is divided into two categories:

On the one hand, the rules on custodial attachment.

These rules define the cases in which and the manner in which attachment can be made of both movable and immovable property pending judgment before a judgment is entered on the merits. Indeed, as a creditor, it is often of paramount importance to avoid a debtor’s possible insolvency in the run-up to the court’s judgment.

On the other hand, the rules regarding the executive attachment.

These rules cover the possibilities that creditors have, after a judgment is entered, to seize the debtor’s movable or immovable property.

These two categories of attachment procedures are further subdivided according to the question of attachment.

Seizure Law Rules and Procedures

Indeed, procedures differ depending on whether movable or immovable property is seized.

A special category concerns third-party attachment. This form of attachment refers to the case where the intent of a debt, the creditor attaches money to property owed to the debtor by a third party.

The Penalty

The attachment law also defines all rules related to the penalty payment.
The penalty payment is a very effective means of inducing a party to comply with the obligation imposed by the court to do or not do something.

The attorneys at Peterfreund & Associates have years of experience in attachment law.

Do you still have questions about garnishment, garnishment or third-party attachment or would you like to be assisted by our Antwerp law firm?