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Lawyer Traffic Law Antwerp

Advocaat Verkeersrecht Belgie

Lawyer Traffic Law Antwerp

Those looking for a good traffic law attorney are in the right place at Peterfreund & Associates . Most of us rely on our driver’s license to go about our daily lives. From commuting to work to caring for our children, the ability to keep driving is essential.

If you are accused of a traffic law violation in Belgium, it is important to seek legal advice as early as possible to avoid maximum penalties and the loss of your driver’s license. Master Peterfreund, traffic law attorney, can help you save your driver’s license or plead for a reduced penalty on your behalf.

Information about Traffic Law

Traffic law includes all rules governing traffic from far or near.

The most important texts are the Road Traffic Act and the Highway Code.

These rules apply not only on public roads, but also in places where you might not expect it, such as parking lots of department stores or shopping centers.

Although every road user is supposed to know the law, traffic rules are also becoming increasingly complex. Not only are there more and more road users, but new types of vehicles are regularly entering the market and new rules are being drawn up for them.

Just think of the (electric) scooter, the (speed) pedelec, etc….

Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to refresh your knowledge of the traffic rules from time to time to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Criminal defense, your traffic law lawyer assists you

This matter includes criminal defense before the police court and the correctional court.

The correctional court has jurisdiction when an appeal is made against a police judge’s sentence.

These days, the penalties for certain serious traffic offenses are no slouch.

For serious offenses, the minimum fine is no less than EUR 1,600. On top of that, there is then often a long driving ban.

If you have had your driver’s license for less than two years, you are a so-called “young driver. If you are summoned to the police court as a young driver, there is a very good chance that the police court will order you to retake your theory and/or practical exam.

It is therefore by no means an unnecessary luxury to have a traffic law attorney assist you in the following cases:

For professionals, very heavy traffic fines of several thousand euros can also be pronounced in cases such as:

  • Failure to disclose the identity of the driver of a commercial vehicle;
  • Overloads;
  • Driving without the necessary permits for certain transports;

For several years, police judges were also given the option of requiring drivers caught drinking behind the wheel to install an alcohol lock in their car for a number of years.

The regulations on this are very technical. There are detailed rules about when the judge can or sometimes must impose an alcolock. There are also very specific rules about the course a person must follow when an alcohol lock is imposed.

The cost of installing an alcohol lock easily runs into the thousands of euros.

Therefore, having a traffic law attorney assist you when you are being prosecuted for alcohol intoxication or intoxication is definitely not an unnecessary luxury.

Completing an answer sheet

When a police officer finds a traffic violation, he will have to file a police report.

For minor traffic offenses, an out-of-court settlement will usually be proposed. If you pay this, then the criminal claim is dropped and the case will not go before the police judge.

That being said, you always have the option of contesting the traffic violation.

In that case, please fill out the response form sent with the official report and return it on time (!!!).

The police will then turn the response form over to the police prosecutor’s office. A prosecutor will then decide what happens next.

Either accepts with the objection. In that case, the fine is obviously null and void. Either the prosecutor’s office rejects your objection. In that case, the case can be taken to the police court.

It will then be up to the police judge to judge whether or not the offense is restrained.

Defense in civil matters, your traffic law attorney will assist you:

In addition, traffic law also encompasses all aspects of a traffic accident, including the assessment of liability and the estimation of compensation for any victims, both in the context of an amicable settlement and in dispute resolution, as well as the recovery of damages and, on the other hand, the contestation of claims for damages by the opposing parties. This is therefore a technical matter that requires the assistance of a traffic law attorney.

The calculation of the compensation to which you are entitled as a victim of a traffic accident in case of bodily injury is a very technical matter. This involves the use of the so-called indicative tables.

Even then, it is very useful to ask for the assistance of a lawyer since the aim is obviously to compensate you fully and get all the compensation you are entitled to.

Defense or appeal through a traffic law attorney:

If the police court has ruled, you can file an opposition or appeal.

If you were not present at the hearing, you can sometimes file an opposition. The police court will then hear you case again.

If you did attend or be represented at the hearing, your attorney can appeal.

In that case, the correctional court will hear the case.

Intervention of legal aid for the cost of a traffic law attorney:

Many people do not realize that they usually also receive legal aid as part of their auto insurance policy. In that case, the insurer will pay all of your attorney’s fees even if you are sued for a traffic violation, trivial or otherwise.

Are you, both in your capacity as a victim or in this one as a suspect, involved in proceedings before the police court you benefit from legal aid? Legal expenses insurance is very often part of your car insurance policy, which allows you to hire a lawyer free of charge.

Very important also is that you always have the free choice of lawyer. In other words, your insurance company cannot force a lawyer on you with whom the insurer works. Our firm works completely independently and has no ties to any particular insurer. This is more important than you think.

After all, a lawyer who has a certain cooperation agreement with an insurance company will be more likely to put the interests of the insurance company ahead of your interests. After all, it goes without saying that the insurance company wants to keep costs under control, and lawyers with whom an insurance company works must abide by certain agreements on costs and fees.

For us, only one person counts, namely the client!

When you have legal aid coverage, you pay no deductible or any other additional cost for this and enjoy multiple benefits:

  • Preliminary advice regarding the above questions
  • Examination for procedural errors and statutes of limitations
  • Assistance at hearing by experienced attorneys
  • Post-conviction support and counsel (period of driving ban, repayment facilities, chances of success on appeal).

Are you looking for a traffic law attorney in Antwerp? In that case, do not hesitate any longer! Peterfreund & Associates, your traffic law attorney and lawyer in Antwerp!