Medical malpractice lawyer: The medical world is a very complex one, and medical errors are legion. When someone falls victim to medical treatment gone wrong, the consequences are often incalculable. As medical malpractice attorneys, we receive daily questions from clients about the options available to be compensated for the damages suffered in such a case. […]
New arrangement We already explained the new regulation in a previous blog. Until today, this arrangement applied to sentences up to a maximum of two years. The changes Information obligation of the director The director of the prison must explicitly inform the convicted person of the possibility of applying for a sentence modality at the […]
Rape and the importance of legal representation As rape attorneys, we have been assisting our clients for more than 20 years. Rape is the most serious sex crime. What should be understood by rape in Belgium was often a point of discussion. Indeed, the question arose whether only an act of penetration with the male […]
Als advocaat medisch recht hebben wij in vorige blogberichten reeds de procedures overlopen die U als patiënt kunt voeren indien U slachtoffer bent geweest van een medische fout. Hierbij dient het onderscheid gemaakt te worden tussen een klassieke procedure voor de rechtbank enerzijds en een procedure voor het Fonds voor Medische Ongevallen. MOZA: Wat is […]
Slander and defamation: what exactly is it: As slander and defamation lawyers, we advise and assist our clients. But what exactly is slander and defamation? Definition: The Criminal Code does not talk about slander and defamation of honor but rather the assault on the honor or good name of persons. A definition of what is […]
GUILTLESS DIVORCE: In the past, and private detectives had their hands full with alleged determinations of adultery. Indeed, it was the case that a divorce was pronounced by the court only on the basis of the fault of one of the spouses. Therefore, when adultery could be proven, the discussion was fairly quickly settled. Nowadays […]
Bent U getrouwd en zit uw relatie in het slop? Misschien overweegt U dan een echtscheiding. Maar hoe begint U daaraan? Als advocaat echtscheiding krijgen wij heel vaak cliënten over de vloer die absoluut niet weten welke mogelijkheden er zijn om uit de echt te scheiden. Vaak denken mensen dat elke echtscheiding uitmondt in een […]
Although the prior admission of guilt has existed for a number of years, it has been little used to date. This appears to be slowly but surely changing as several prosecutors are promoting prior admission of guilt. While to many the term prior admission of guilt will mean little, its English-language counterpart is more familiar: […]
Types of leases: There are three types of lease agreements. The residential rental agreement; The commercial lease; The common lease; These three types of agreements are governed by separate pieces of legislation. For example, the commercial lease is regulated by the Commercial Lease Act. The common lease by the General Civil Code and the residential […]