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Lawyer Property Law Antwerp

Lawyer Property Law Antwerp

Lawyer Property Law Antwerp

Looking for a good property law lawyer in Antwerp? We are happy to help with advice or in court. We have years of experience and thorough knowledge. Moreover, we answer every message within 24 hours. So you always know quickly where you stand.

Learn more about Property Law

Property law covers numerous facets and is therefore much broader than the word suggests.

For example, as the owner of a movable asset, you can invoke the right of ownership to act against its encroachment by a third party.

As a property owner, you can take steps to do this.

In addition to property rights in the strict sense of the word, the ownership of property is the basis for the very comprehensive jurisprudence regarding neighbor nuisance.

Indeed, relying on article 544 B.W., case law holds that when you are a victim of a nuisance caused by the disruption of an existing balance due to the actions of a third party or an object, you may rely on your property rights to formulate a claim in damages.

Finally, co-ownership is also a very important part of property law.

For example, co-ownership occurs when several people become joint owners of movable or immovable property as a result of an inheritance.

However, there is also co-ownership between different owners of apartments or lots in a building.

In that case, it is called apartment co-ownership.

The Civil Code regulates in great detail the way apartment co-ownership is organized.

Both the rules related to the functioning of the association of co-owners, the way to make legally valid decisions, the tasks of the trustee, etc.. are determined by the B.C.

Consequently, apartment co-ownership very often gives rise to discussions before the competent courts.

Daniel Peterfreund has built up very significant expertise in this area over the years and therefore acts as counsel to numerous syndicates, co-ownership associations as well as individual co-owners.

If you have questions about property law, do not hesitate to contact your Antwerp lawyer by clicking on the button below.